Digital Retouching
From swapping products in a photo, to making the impossible real, our photography retouching and compositing services team can create or manipulate your image and realize your wildest dreams. We offer image creation and manipulation, content generation and artistic concepting – whatever it takes to bring your creative ideas to life.
Compositing & Image Manipulation
Not every image needs heavy compositing and manipulation. Whether you want to simply replace an item within an image or create an an image beyond what can be done in-camera, our retouching specialists will make your image shine.
Sometimes we just add a shadow or remove a wrinkle. But when serious retouching is needed, we can do that too! We have the team to create the perfect image for you.
Delivering the perfect image is an art form. Our team of experienced photographers, videographers, retouchers, and stylists will turn your dreams into reality.
Color Management
The most common post-production work our team performs is color correction. We can match the digital color to your actual product color or adjust colors to your specifications. We’ve set up our retouching lab to ensure that precise colors are our first and final thought.
Color Proofing & Certified Printing
Your images should shine across every format, so we offer color proofing and print profiling services to do just that. From on-screen color formatting to certified color proofing, we can tailor your final images in any format. Our Digital Services division is both GRACol and SWOP certified, ensuring spectacular results every time.
Seeing is believing
If you slide the arrow below from left to right, you can see the before and after versions of this image. Nice – right? Now… imagine what we could do for your images!